Thursday, November 5, 2009

What Supplies Should You Have in your First Aid Kit?

A lot of companies rely on their first aid van driver to keep their first aid kits and cabinets OSHA and ANSI compliant. That works OK if you’re willing to have a van driver decide what first aid supplies you keep on hand, and you don’t really care what anything costs. But, if you’re like a lot of companies, cost is becoming more and more of an issue. One easy way to gain control of your first aid supplies, and costs, is to restock your own first aid kits.
How do you know what first aid supplies you need? All you have to do is to download one of our handy (and FREE) replenishment guides, and use it to compare what supplies you have in your first aid kit or cabinet. You can get better control over the first aid supplies you have on hand, you will be more familiar with your own first aid kits, and you will be saving about half off the typical first aid van prices.
Find our more about the first aid supplies you should keep in stock at our website:


  1. First aid should be a basic skill taught to all schoolchildren. I am now going to give a shameless plug for an organisation i work for who deliver first aid training:

  2. We should all know what's in a first aid kit anyway.

  3. good to know


  4. The most important thing,basically the most necessary medical when you feel sick a medicine capsules and tablets.Lotion for itchiness,ointment for burn and kit to treat wounds.That's what inside my medical kit.

  5. Good Post,Thank You for Your Great Words!

  6. Adventure Medical Kits makes good "light and fast" first aid kits that are small enough to fit into a fanny pack. I carry one in my dorky fanny pack when I run trails and have been glad I had it more than once.

  7. Excellent post! This is very informative. I love this blog. I will bookmark this. Thanks for sharing!

  8. we should know that first aid is a very important thing, and we should know how to use it, and it's kinds, this post is very informative, the most important thing is, how to use the first aid

  9. THank you, this information should know everyone! I'm glad you are sharing it for free.

  10. In order to use a first aid kit properly, one must know how to do first aid. There is a new company in Canada that provides this training and certification. Visit their website, they could be the difference in your life!

  11. The most common type of first aid kit is the general kind that you can buy from your local pharmacy. These kits typically include sterile gauze pads, dressings, roller gauze bandages, adhesive tape, non-latex gloves (just in case of latex allergies), hand wipes, hand sanitizers, a ready-to-use ice pack, tweezers, scissors, and a face shield.

    First Aid Kits
